Find vs. Found

How to use the verbs "to find" and "to found" correctly

This is an entry on my list of Common Errors in English Usage. Visit the main page for direct links to additional entries.

Remember that the verb to found means “to establish or set up on a firm foundation.” This pair of words shouldn’t cause much trouble; just don’t be confused by the fact that the second one (found) looks like the past tense and past participle forms of the first one:

found the lost city of Atlantis (past tense of to find)

a plan to found a city called Atlantis (to establish such a city)

founded a city called Atlantis (established; past tense of to found)

And remember that the past tense and past participle forms of to found are both founded:

founded an organization (established)

well-founded beliefs (beliefs with a logical foundation)

Related Resources

Common Errors in English Usage: Errors in diction and idiom commonly made by native speakers of English

List of Common Errors in English Usage (PDF): Printable version of the complete list

Common Grammar Errors: A list of common errors in grammar (topics like subject-verb agreement and parallelism) as distinct from usage

List of Common Errors in English Usage: PDF version

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