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action verb: 行为动词; a verb that expresses a physical or mental action rather than a state of being

active voice: 主动语态; a sentence structure in which the subject performs the action expressed by the verb

adjective: 形容词; a word that modifies a noun or pronoun

adverb: 副词; a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb

antecedent: 先行词; the noun or pronoun to which a pronoun refers

article: 冠词; a type of adjective that shows if a noun is specific or non-specific (a, an, the)

auxiliary verb: 助动词; a "helping verb" that adds information to the main verb

case: 代词格式; form of a pronoun that reflects its function in context (nominative, objective, possessive)

clause: 分句、子句; a group of words containing a subject and predicate pair

conjunction: 连词; a word or phrase that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences

coordinating conjunction: 并列连词; a "FANBOYS" conjunction that is used with a comma to connect two independent clauses

count noun: 可数名词; a noun that has singular and plural forms

dependent clause: 从句; a clause that does not express a complete thought, so it needs an independent clause to form a complete sentence (also called a subordinate clause)

diction: 措词、字眼、用字; choice of words in writing or speaking

direct object: 直接宾语; a noun or pronoun directly affected by the action of a verb

FANBOYS: 七个并列连词的首字母缩写; acronym that stands for the seven coordinating conjunctions


gerund: 动名词; an -ing verb that acts as a noun

idiom: 熟语、习惯用语; a fixed expression in common use

independent clause: 独立子句、主句; a clause that expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence

indirect object: 间接宾语; a noun or pronoun affected indirectly by the action of a verb (often a person for whom the action is performed)

infinitive: 不定式(动词); a tenseless verb form that usually begins with "to"

interjection: 感叹词; a word or phrase that expresses an emotion or reaction

intransitive verb: 不及物动词; a verb that does not take an object

irregular verb: 不规则动词; a verb whose past tense and past participle are not formed with the suffix "-ed"

linking verb: 系动词、连缀动词; a verb such as "to be" that expresses a state of being rather than an action

mass noun: 不可数名词; an uncountable noun that does not have a plural form

modifier: 修饰语; a word or phrase that describes another word or phrase

nominative case: 主格; the form of a pronoun used as a subject (or predicate nominative)

noun: 名词; a word that names something (person, place, thing, idea, or action)

object: 宾语; a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or that follows a preposition and completes the prepositional phrase

object of a preposition: 介词宾语; a noun or pronoun that follows a preposition to form a prepositional phrase

objective case: 宾格; the form of a pronoun used as an object of a verb or preposition

participle: 分词; a tenseless verb form used with an auxiliary verb or as an adjective or noun

passive voice: 被动语态; a sentence structure in which the subject is affected by the action of the verb

past participle: 过去分词; a participle showing completed action, usually with the suffix "-ed"

perfect tenses: 完成时; tenses that show the completion of an action before the main occurrence in a sentence; they use a form of "to have" + a past participle

phrase: 短语; a group of words that does not contain a subject or predicate

possessive case: 所有格; the form of a pronoun that shows ownership or association

predicate: 谓语; the part of a clause that includes that verb and tells about the subject

predicate nominative: 谓语性主格; a noun or pronoun that follows and completes a linking verb (usually "to be") and renames the subject; also called a predicate noun

prefix: 前缀、词头; a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word that change its meaning

preposition: 介词; a word that connects a noun or pronoun to another word by showing direction, location, position, or relation

present participle: 现在分词; a participle showing continuing action, ends with the suffix "-ing"

progressive tenses: 进行时; tenses that show an ongoing action; they use a form of "to be" + a present participle (also called the continuous tenses)

pronoun: 代词; a word that stands for or refers to a noun

sentence: 句子; a group of words that contains an independent clause and expresses a complete thought

subject: 主语; the noun or pronoun that a predicate tells about

subordinating conjunction: 从属连词; a conjunction that introduces a dependent (or subordinate) clause; it creates an expectation of additional information

suffix: 后缀、词尾; a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word that change its meaning

tense: 时态; the characteristic of a verb that shows whether the action is in the past, present, or future

transitive verb: 及物动词; a verb that takes an object

usage: 用法、用词; the way in which a word or phrase is customarily or correctly used

verb: 动词; a word that shows an action or state of being